Let me explain some of the protection laws they have for their children, and don't get me wrong I am not saying these are bad and should be stopped, I am just commenting on what I think, and from what I know. To start off there is no physical contact to be allowed, the flaw in this : What happens if a child trips on the playground what are you allowed to do. Well technically speaking ( and I have seen this ) all you are allowed to do now is to pat the child on the head and tell him its all right.
If something happens, the child is always the one to get away scot free and the adult will be severely punished, even if the adult is actually helping the child, and the child blows everything out of proportion.
The respect for parents is next to nothing, and it is interesting to see how they were raised. Because you are not allowed to hit a child ( wooden spoon ) some parents did not know what to do with their children when they were naughty and just left them. So the children have grown up with no discipline to when they do something wrong.
Its very interesting being from the outside and observing in:)
The UK has been very enlightening and I have learned a lot.
My advice for the day : Wake up before your alarm clock goes off. Alarm clocks are too noisy to be woken at such early times.

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